Now available for free from Sheldon Bookkeeping: a Chart of Accounts for Real Estate Agents. This Chart (COA) is compatible with all versions of QuickBooks Online. It is for the smaller real estate agent business, as it does not include categories for employees. It does include accounts to categorize different sources of income as well as multiple expenses, especially marketing and business development. Of course, the COA can always be changed or modified within QuickBooks Online.
There is a page on Sheldon Bookkeeping where the COA can be downloaded. When on the page, within a few seconds, a popup will appear. After entering your name, and email address, and subscribing, the Chart of Accounts will appear in Excel format. It can then be downloaded and saved to your computer.
This COA is a good place to start for a new agent beginning to use QuickBooks Online. It will likely need to be modified over time and can be easily done.
As stated, the COA is completely free. The ink to the FREE QuickBooks Online Chart of Accounts for Agents is here.