Change your accounting preferences in QuickBooks Online Payroll
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Flexible Account Mapping now in QuickBooks Online Payroll

QuickBooks Online Payroll has been enhanced with Flexible Account Mapping. What this means of that Quickbooks has removed mapping restrictions from payroll settings. By doing so, there is now more flexibility when it comes to which type of chart of accounts to map payroll items. There is now less need to create journal entries in…

Chart of Accounts for Real Estate Agents
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Free Chart of Accounts for Real Estate Agents

Now available for free from Sheldon Bookkeeping: a Chart of Accounts for Real Estate Agents. This Chart (COA) is compatible with all versions of QuickBooks Online. It is for the smaller real estate agent business, as it does not include categories for employees. It does include accounts to categorize different sources of income as well…

QuickBooks Online for Landlords: How to Handle Tenant Security Deposits
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QuickBooks Online for Landlords: How to Handle Tenant Security Deposits

When setting up QuickBooks Online, in the Chart of Accounts, it is important to set up a special account to handle your Tenant’s Security Deposits. You can name the account anything (I recommend using Tenant Security Deposits.   The type of account is: other current liability.  This is important. The reason a tenant’s security deposit is…

Real Estate Accounting Program Launched

Real Estate Accounting Program Launched

I have been developing a special Real Estate Accounting program. More information will be posted on this blog and my website soon. Realizing that people involved in the real estate business often have issues with maintaining the financial records in QuickBooks Online, I am about to release a program designed to help release estate investors,…

Ten Things to Consider when Setting Up Your Chart of Accounts

Every business has its own way of being in business. Regarding bookkeeping, there has to be a way to reflect those differences. That is where the Chart of Accounts comes in, and why it is so important to get it set up correctly. Keep in mind that there are four types of accounts that make…